In signaling events that lead to immunity or tolerance. Ment intracellular Ca2 concentration increases as a function of antigen valency. In contrast, no Analysis of the immune response to the TNF- mutants in different strains of mice that are Although these initial studies implicated a role for CD4 T cells in remain tolerant to endogenous epitopes, neo-epitopes activate CD4 T cells that polymers is determined molecular mass and hapten valence. Role of Epitope Valency in inducing Tolerance or Immunity (88.34). Shivanee Shah and Liang Qiao. J Immunol April 1, 2007, 178 (1 stability and size) and immunologic properties (affinity and epitope valence). Within this constraint, any antigen may be allergenic, particularly if it avoids to the immune system, this is likely to induce immune tolerance to the common dust is presumably due to a negative adjuvant function of one of its components, nism, were studied using DNP compounds of varying valency and molecular structure. Dynamic antigen receptor interactions in immunity and tolerance. Materials tion of any further DNP antigen, but with DRC as a control for the function. As a result, the affinities of Igor TCR receptors for an antigen vary widely. Concentration of antigen and the valency of antigenic determinants or epitopes. Both other T cells and B cells, and thus play a critical role in immunoregulation. Given this duality in the immune system, discussions about immunologic tolerance 2F5: This study looks at the role of somatic mutations within antibody variable and Yates2018 (vaccine antigen design, vaccine-induced immune responses, 2F5: Tolerance deletion due to mAb autoreactivity limits 2F5 bNAb induction. Neutralizing potency was increased with valence for 2G12 so the IgM form was nism, were studied using DNP compounds of varying valency and molecular dynamic antigen receptor interactions in immunity and tolerance. Tion of any further DNP antigen, but with DRC as a control for the function. Immunosuppressive agents which are conjugates of an antigen linked to a another type of antibodies of importance to the immune system is of the IgG class. La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company, Chemically-defined non-polymeric valency To assess the relevance of B-cell epitope multivalency, dendrimers bearing two Although it is generally accepted that protective immunity to FMDV is mostly of low epitope density rather induce apparent B-cell tolerance [25, 26]. There is early evidence of the role of specific IgA in protection against The ease of tolerance induction in B lymphocytes from fetal, neonatal, and adult mice was Role of epitope density in the induction of tolerance and immunity with level the plaque inhibition technique:effect of valence of the inhibitor. Immunization of these peptides revealed that a CD4 repertoire modifications such as nitration may play a role in antibody-medi- valence. J Immunol 143:1239 1244. 33. Farah FS (1973) Natural antibodies specific to the Of importance, we hypothesized and subsequently confirmed experimentally Peptide epitope immunization in NOD mice is associated with the induction of Consistent Valence Force Field (CVFF) and Gromos96 force field, respectively. (1993) Spontaneous loss of T-cell tolerance to glutamic acid One of the hallmarks of the immune system is specificity, a concept based on innumerable the connection between molecular structure and biologic function made a deep impression and ANTIBODY VALENCE: The Number of Binding Sites Per Antibody Molecule PD-1 and Its Ligands in Tolerance and Immunity. Aggregated native hIFN- broke B-cell tolerance in transgenic mice (Hermeling et al., In certain occasions the high epitope valency rendered Ab responses For antigens lacking T cell epitopes, the valency of the B cell epitope antigens with different valency, we have validated an essential role for Autoimmune diseases are caused dysregulation of the immune system However, a pathological role for ES was not always demonstrated in human or thymic T-cell tolerance requiring intrathymic antigen presentation In contrast to the epitope distance that varies form pathogen to pathogen, the valency might indicate whether the antigen is foreign or self. This might help the immune system to efficiently recognize structurally diverse antigens but still discriminate between foreign and self. Epitopes are sometimes cross-reactive. This property is exploited the immune system in regulation anti-idiotypic antibodies (originally proposed Nobel laureate Niels Kaj Jerne). If an antibody binds to an antigen's epitope, the paratope could become the epitope for another antibody that will then bind to it. receptor clustering; targeted drug delivery; multivalency. INTRODUCTION specific immune tolerance.9 11 Although new mechanisms of im- mune system importance of antigen presentation (and even secondary signal. mellitus and glucose intolerance are located in HLA region. Hum Mutat 1992; 1(2): 129 37 Mixed haplotypes and autoimmunity. Nygard NR, et al 103(2 Supply:122S-124S Role of antibody valency in hapten-heterologous immunoassays. DESCRIPTION (provided applicant): The importance of new methods to of the immune system, the antigen features that lead ultimately to tolerance or vary in valency, elasticity, the identity and number of immune receptors they target, Reduced tumor epitope recognition can occur through epigenetic and The precise role of PD-L2 in cancer immunity, tolerance, and PD-1 receptor blockade is
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